Failure to Comply: Examples of Business Associates Gone Wrong [Webinar] | Healthicity

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Failure to Comply: Examples of Business Associates Gone Wrong

Manage Business Associates Without Losing Your Mind

Business Associates are often involved in compliance violations that impact the PHI untold patients. While new laws put significant responsibilities on the Business Associate themselves, it’s still your patients’ PHI to protect (along with your covered entity’s reputation).

Protecting your organization requires you to be proactive when it comes to your Business Associates. As covered entities, you need to perform your due diligence in identifying your business associates, assessing the associated risks and then putting appropriate mitigations efforts in place.

It might sound impossible to effectively manage your Business Associates without it taking over your entire workday. However, it’s totally doable. In fact, you can learn a lot about what needs to be done from other entities’ settlements and corrective action plans.

Watch this free, on-demand webinar, “Failure to Comply: Examples of Business Associates Gone Wrong,” to learn how to:

  • Identify your Business Associates
  • Assess Which of Your Business Associates Pose the Greatest Risk
  • Mitigate the Risks Related to Your Business Associates

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